This animation is based on a simple storyline. The name of this animation is RocketFlyer because of the main characters ability to fly similar to that of a rocket. RocketFlyer is actually a
creature that is the mother of 4 chicks. Her responsibility is to raise, feed, and love her children. The main villain is The Hunter; a creature that is out to capture his next meal. This project
is an animation based on a fantasy world filled with imaginative creatures and wonderful environments. I also wanted to depict how life might be on another planet.
I have always been interested in the multiple steps it takes to design characters, their environments, and bring them to life. I chose animation because I am interested in telling stories through
movement and sound. There’s an entertaining quality to animation that I appreciate. My interest in animation originates from my younger years when I was obsessed with cartoons that dealt with
good vs. evil. By the time I was in high school I started to experiment in Adobe Flash. This has been the main software that I use when creating animations.
Copyright 2010, 2011 by Alex Palacio and Johan Palacio
"Stunigma" Animation by Alex Palacio Copyright 2010. This character sets out to help ignite creativity and inspiration to a struggling artist.
Antonym (Fourth Episode-Remake: Magnifying Glass) Copyright 2007 by Alex Palacio. Created and Animated by AlexPalacio. Music by Applepolish. Created in Adobe Flash/Toonboom.
"Spray Tickler Commercial" by Alex Palacio. Created this in Flash in early college. Spray Tickler Character created by Alex Palacio. Copyright 2007.
"THE HERMIT" is the 4th track on the "Spirit Threads" CD/Digital Album by Applepolish of 2009. This is the 9th music video created for "Spirit Threads" following "The Hermit." Copyright 2009 by Johan Palacio.
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